Friday, July 24, 2009

90% Complete!

Waiting Period :

90% complete

i'm at my limit.. desu..

Well it comfort's me to know that i have a friend who's studies start in FEBUARY 2010.. so.. i guess im not the only one suffering~
I became fatter 1kg omgwtfbbq

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

About MJ and Ironhide

Its sad to know that in it literally took his life to slingshot himself back into the spotlight. I blame the media, they've blinded us.. the naive general public, especially from THIS generation - to think that MJ is Wacko Jacko. I bought a DVD [after his death] of his concert in Bucharest. And i tell you, the term King Of Pop really aint a cheap random title. The fact that he is weird has made him a great entertainer. Its the ultimate sacrifice.. his life became an artwork. I regret judging him.. even at his death all i knew about him was Neverland Sex Scandals and Decomposing Nose.. I never knew the true MJ. I think.. now i do. R.I.P MJ~

Ironhide, as we know it looks like this~ But this interesting character has a complex background and the creators involved have changed his look from time to time. It was a dilema picking Ironhide or Optimus Prime as my fav autobot. I decided Ironhide cause.. he's more humuros xD Recaping from Transformers the 2007 onwards movies.. This character has it all :x too bad he's a NBE! dang~
[ Non Biological Extra Terresterials- keep up with the accromyms u freaks]
Wht i love about em:
-his ammo and blue red cannons
-his humor [nukeing the chihuahua for pissing on his foot xD]
-his sexy mature-yet-childish voice [ sound so Spock-ish]
-he is big[prime's bigger though]
If i get to choose, I want Ironhide as my Bumblebee lol ok im starting to sound really rediculous..
2007~ onwards



There was a post on Yahoo - a freak who thinks he knows Transformers was critisizign The Revenge of The Fallen in many many attention craving ways. Well, i think he's an iddiot. xD
There're two comic books released after the first Transformers movie. And there they explained why Bumblebee has lost his voice yet again, where the Fallen came from, why the Fallen cannot transform ect.. on word for that dude: DO YOUR HOMEWORK BEFORE U FLAME FREAK!

Friday, July 3, 2009