Monday, September 28, 2009

New Hair!! weeee!!!

Okay, so my old hair was abit run down and a new look was a MUST! Here's how it went~

Behold, the ah-sou tak-berdandan-ed hair/face.. i noe, hope ur eyes dont bleed.

Berdandan-ed, as pretty as it was, definately takes alot of time to make it look as good as this. Not to mention how the curling is gonna ruin my hair.


So, this is the BLOND look, well, technically its orange. It looks okay okay on camera, but real life i look hideous! Orange patches vs Black hair! OMG tiger?, so i redyed it :)


Got it cut and primed :) This hair actually gives me more excuse to put on more make up! :D I'm suppose to look younger here. lol. <3>

Poe(my dog) had a haircut too!! wee!!!!

(who cares lol, nvm la tell anyway)

*awwwwww, so fluffy~* (tak habis habis praise my own dog XD)

the epitome of CWEUT-ness~ *hug hug hug*

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